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What is Responsive Web Design?

What is Responsive Web Design?
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  Have you asked yourself, “What is responsive web design?” Responsive web design is an approach whereby a designer creates a web page that “responds to” or resizes itself depending on the type of device it is being seen through.  That could be an oversized desktop computer monitor, a laptop or devices with small screens such as smartphones and tablets.
Responsive Web design has become an essential tool for anyone with a digital presence. With the growth of smartphones, tablets and other mobile computing devices, more people are using smaller-screens to view web pages.
These websites have to also consider the mobile-first index just announced by Google in April 2018. As more small businesses increase their mobile presence, their website, eCommerce, Google Business page, social media pages and other assets have to be easily accessible across all devices.
 The purpose of responsive design is to have one site, but with different elements that respond differently when viewed on devices of different sizes.


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